As with the last post, this portion of the code addresses intensity and lot design. The primary areas of focus are the Retail/Office Low Intensity district (C-L), Retail/Office Medium Intensity district (C-M), Retail/Office High Intensity district (C-H), and Town Center (TC-1 and TC-2) districts. General Industrial and Light Industrial/Business Park will remain largely unchanged.

Residential density is considered in these districts as residential attached housing will be permitted in upper floors of commercial buildings. The densities are roughly equivalent to low, medium, and high residential districts (with the exception of Residential Low Density). The highest allowable density will be within the Town Center. In this district, a minimum density will be required for residential use (10 dwelling units per acre in Town Center Main Street, and 5 dwelling units per acre in Town Center Troup Highway). Residential development will also be permitted to reach 25 DU per acre by right, and 50 DU per acre with incentives.
The other major area for consideration is structure height. C-L will be capped at 35' for the primary structure. C-M and C-H will be capped at 45' and 60' respectively. By right, development in the Town Center will be limited to 50' but may reach heights of 70' though incentives. These heights are illustrated in abstract form in the included graphic. The districts increase from left to right, C-L to TC-1/2.

Posts focusing on the Town Center will illustrate the issue of height within that district in more detail.
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