Thursday, October 16, 2008

Zoning Ordinance Update Town Hall Workshop

As advertised in the local newspapers and at previous meetings, the City and Consultant staff would like to remind any interested party about this evening's Town Hall style workshop. During the meeting, staff and stakeholders will shift focus from the Town Center to the overall zoning ordinance update. The meeting will be informal but directed toward specific goals. Any interested parties are strongly encouraged to attend and express opinions on how to best implement the land use component of the Vision 2020 Comprehensive Plan.

This workshop will be the first of two or three to focus on the City-wide zoning ordinance. Once complete, the updated zoning code (along with the complete Town Center code) will be delivered to the City for adoption though public hearings.

The workshop will begin at 6:30 pm on Thursday, October 16, 2008. It will be held in the Whitehouse City Council Chambers/Municipal Court. If you are unable to attend but would like a recording of the meeting please contact the consultant staff. Future meeting times and dates will be announced on this website, at tonight's meeting, and through local media.