Monday, March 23, 2009

Second Public Hearing Tomorrow Evening (Tuesday)

The Whitehouse City Council will be holding a public hearing to take stakeholder input regarding the proposed zoning ordinance update. The hearing will take place during the regular meeting in Council Chambers Tuesday night.

Any interested party is strongly encouraged to attend. The Council may elect to request changes to the code and/or additional public input sessions. However, the Council may also chose to approve the code. Therefore, this may be the last opportunity to give feedback prior to adoption.

The code is available to download as individual tables in previous posts. The full code text is also downloadable in PDF format here.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Public Hearing This Evening

As a reminder, the Planning & Zoning Commission will be holding another public hearing to take public comment and feedback on the proposed Zoning Ordinance update. The meeting will be held in the Council Chambers/Municipal Court building at 6:30 pm, Monday March 9, 2009.