As advertised in the Tri-County Leader and Tyler Paper, the City of Whitehouse will be holding a Town Center Advisory Committee Meeting this evening at 6:30 in the Council Chambers. As discussed in the newspaper articles, the purpose of this meeting is to bring the discussions for a Town Center Zoning code to a close. Due to hurricane impacts on consultant time the meeting agenda will be scaled back somewhat. But consultant and city staff members still invite interested stakeholders to attend and participate.
Once compete, the code will be finalized and held until it can be presented to the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council. Those presentations will take place along with discussions of the community wide zoning ordinance update. The update process for the full zoning ordinance will take several months to complete. However, the Team is hopeful to have both codes ready for presentation by the end of the year.
This blog, and the advisory committee will continue to hold monthly meetings to solicit input from stakeholders and community members on the city-wide code. Once complete, the consultant staff will present graphics and information showing what both codes may "look like" as commercial and residential development occurs.
Stakeholders and community members may also wish to attend and comment during public hearings before the P&Z and City Council. All input will continue to be welcome and encouraged as the Team shifts its focus to the city as a whole.
Lastly, this blog will become more active as the process moves forward. Draft documents, visuals, and other content will be added to prepare for the upcoming public hearings and eventual adoption of both codes. Schedule information will be posted here when it becomes available. Those interested should also continue to follow the local newspapers for announcements and information.
Once compete, the code will be finalized and held until it can be presented to the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council. Those presentations will take place along with discussions of the community wide zoning ordinance update. The update process for the full zoning ordinance will take several months to complete. However, the Team is hopeful to have both codes ready for presentation by the end of the year.
This blog, and the advisory committee will continue to hold monthly meetings to solicit input from stakeholders and community members on the city-wide code. Once complete, the consultant staff will present graphics and information showing what both codes may "look like" as commercial and residential development occurs.
Stakeholders and community members may also wish to attend and comment during public hearings before the P&Z and City Council. All input will continue to be welcome and encouraged as the Team shifts its focus to the city as a whole.
Lastly, this blog will become more active as the process moves forward. Draft documents, visuals, and other content will be added to prepare for the upcoming public hearings and eventual adoption of both codes. Schedule information will be posted here when it becomes available. Those interested should also continue to follow the local newspapers for announcements and information.